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なんで英語一直線になってるのか、何故他のバイトはしたくないのか。ひょっとしたら、30すぎて業界未経験でバイトで入社して、年下の先輩に敬語を使い、「あの、ここわかんないんですけど・・・教えてくれますか?(「あ、ちょっと待ってね」)すいません!忙しいのに・・・ ありがとうございます(ペコリ)」なんていうやりとりをしながら、果たしてタメ口を利いていいのかいつまでも悩み続ける・・・なんていう事にはうんざりなのかもしれない。
リーディングの勉強も、あのサイフに優しい参考書( 読解特急 シリーズ)のお世話になってますが、もう2周しちゃったので語彙制限つきの洋書を読むようにしています。今読んでいるのは、洋販ラダーシリーズ(巻末に単語リストがあるので辞書を引かずに読めるのがイイ)レベル2の「ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険
この本は翻訳者or編集者がいなくて、どうやらマーク・トウェインの原文そのままのようです。そのせいか、読み応えは同シリーズのレベル3の「盲導犬クイールの一生 」とかよりははるかにあります。こっちは日本人が書いてる英語のせいか、非常に明快で分かりやすい文体です。ただ、英語らしさや奥ゆかしい、または洗練された何かをより味わえるのはやはりネイティブが心のままに綴った文章ですね。でも、別にこっちの本がつまらなかったというわけじゃありません。盲導犬について多少は詳しくなったし、良い本だと思います。
In this category,I'll be writing about Japanese animes which I like.
Today's article is about Doraemon. Doraemon is a cat-type robot who came from 22th century by riding on the time machine(one of his future gadgets). He appeared in Nobita's house,from a drawer of his desk. He came there because Nobita's groundson's groundson Sewashi that Doraemon has, is sufferring from lots of debts which Nobita will have made.That's why Sewashi sent him to the past(20th century), to Nobita. Doraemon says to Nobita that he won't be able to make any success and get any happiness in his life, because he is dumb,coward,and clumsy. Nobita gets angry to hear that, and initially don't believe him at all, but finally allow him to stay in his house and to help Nobita to change his bad future.
And after that, Doraemon always helps him by his wonderful future gadgets. But even so, Nobita often ends in failure. I've liked this anime very much since I was a child. In a sense, I'm Nobita too. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm attracted in this anime. But I hear that probably this anime can't be in fashion in America because the hero isn't cool at all and he is too dependent on Doraemon. But rarely Nobita shows his effort, courage or kindness to others, and it even moves lots of readers.(this anime originates in comic book.)
Doraemon and Nobita.He hates mice despite being a cat-type robot because he was nibbled out his ears by it before. This picture is what I reproduced from the original comic book.
The original author Fujiko.F.Fujio is already deceased, and this anime has more than 30 years' history. You can say this manga is one of the classics in Japan.
In this corner, I will introduce you some Japanese animes which I'm fond of, from old to new one.
I took a trial exam on TOEIC by myself yesterday. The result score was 835. It was the third experience of such mock exams, but I couldn't get through all the questions again. It seems that I have to brouse the sentences more promptly.
It is my first time to have a TOEIC Test, but I think I've gotta mark more than 900. Because I didn't graduate from any college and my career is almost nothing to be glamourous. And I'm not in my twenties any more...so I need strong something to make an appeal to "juries". I hope I will be an English tutor. If I get more than 900, I might make my little dream come true.
The following question refers to this.
(This website is owesome! Very informative and you can use the lessons in this site for free.)
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"Plan a picnic or barbecue with a friend or classmate. Where would you have your picnic? What foods would you buy or prepare for the picnic? What activities or games would you plan to entertain your friends? "
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I would choose the place like a spacious park,and better if it was in a warm season.
I have had a Hanami-party,which is usually a picnic beneath cherry blossoms. Most japanese like cherry blossoms very much, but Hanami can be held only in spring when they are in bloom.
But my Hanami was not under cherry trees, but ume trees. I went in February where I can see them blooms beautifully with my girl friend. The beauty of the height of ume blossoms were
wonderful. But there were only us who were picnicking under the ume trees. Hanami except for cherry blossoms is not seen usually. So I was a little embarrassed, but it was a good memory.
If I plan a picnic with my friends, I want to play catch,frisbee or tag, and how about SUMOU wrestling? It won't be so dangerous on the lawn. Of course I want to enjoy eating, the meal in the nature and fresh air is very delicious.
My favorite restaurant is a certain Italian restaurant the price of which is for general public and not so expensive.
I like it because there are partitions among each seats and it is a little dim in there, so I can enjoy dinner without worrying about other people's eyes.
In addition, the restaurant offers free-pizza service, it means we can eat pizzas to our heart's content if we ordered any pizza. So a hearty eater like me will definitely like it.
The restaurant I often go is Italian, but I like not only Italian, but mostly any kind of foods. I love bowl of rices topped with something - for example, beef, chicken and egg, ikra(salmon roe) and sea urchin eggs. But ikra and sea urchin eggs are usually rather expensive.
Usually I have a birthday meal only with my famly, but at that time many friends of mine came and celebrated me. It was most enjoyable,impressive and noisy one.
Maybe I felt happy then, but also a little nervous. Because I didn't want them to make my room messy.
After they left, I found my room become messy. And I remember that something of mine had disappeared from my room. I cannot remember what it was, but I was angry about it then. Probably someone picked it and brought away.
The bavarois my mother made for me was very delicious, and I used to ask her to make one again.
・Why are cars the preferred form of urban personal transport?
・The report also notes the growing use of bicycles among police forces worldwide.