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= thank God (or goodness) it's Friday! ・・・という意味らしい。いわゆる花金ってやつでしょうか。Happy Friday!などはよく聞きます。
concessions / 譲歩、妥協
→ If you...., then I'll... ←こういう交渉のこと
妥協によって by compromise
譲歩する make a concession / give way to somebody / compromise / meet somebody halfway
少しも譲歩しない make no concessions at all / do not yield a single point
Wait a moment, please. △
Just a moment, please. or One moment, please. ◎より丁寧な言い方。
×please give me a sign ←signは動詞。名詞でサインはsignature.
◎please sign here
○please give me a signature
a crowded train /a train full of people/a train crammed with people
It's no use.(それは役に立たない・無駄だ・意味ないよ)
e.g.) It's no use unless I can get there in time.
e.g. =たとえば(for example)
Air contains many substances, e.g. oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. 空気には, たとえば酸素, 窒素, 二酸化炭素など多くの物質が含まれている.

8/20-26 中級・Reserving a Tour より、ポイント抜粋】
・ What have you been up to this weekend? (今週、どうだった?)
↑What's up? の現在完了形か。
・ The total comes to $140 including tax. / (The total cost is... より自然な言い方かも)
・ It's the cheapest plan / It's the most reasonable plan.
・I recommend you that... / My recommendation is...
・ five thirty pm = half past five in the evening
・ Here are two tickets for you.
・ Here are your tickets. Have fun!
【An Overseas Business Trip より】
Can I leave the airplane while buying something to eat at Seoul?
Can I get out of the airplane while buying something to eat at Seoul?
You can also say "Can I get out of the airplane~?"
but "leave" is very polite than "get out of".
×I work at account division.
◎I work in the accounting division.
2:副詞のdeep deeplyの用法
・There is paper jammed deep within the printer.
・I was deeply moved by the performance.
×Let's take some coffee with me after the work!
(・・・ 盗ってくるみたい)
◎Let's get some coffee with me after the work!
4:"Take a 5-minute breather and try again."
音節breath・er 発音記号/bríːðɚ|‐ðə/
a:しばらくの休息.a short rest
例 have [take] a breather 一休みする.
例 go out for a breather 散歩に出かける.
3 a heavy breather 息づかいの荒い人.
Recently, I bought iPhone4S! It's my first smart phone. But I have been taken a lot of hours to get used to it. I'm often irritated with it, because things doesn't go well as I like. Of course my ex-cell phone has been already worn, but I wonder it was ever necessary for me to make use of latest, and sometimes very complicated gadgets. I like simple life. Life is short.
By the way, I noticed that the articles written down on today's Yomiuri shinbun(Japanese newspaper) seemed to be against public opinions most of which advocate NO-Nukes.
Yomiuri just worried what our convenient lives will be if all nuclear power station turn off, or that the perspective without nuclear power isn't clear. One of those who oppose independence from nuclear power are Keidanren (the Federation of Economic Organizations). Heads of that organization consist of executives of big companies. They just want to keep their interests. It's just hypocrisy they saying beautiful,plausible words if they needs nuclear power for their cause. The risk is too bad and nothing can pays it. What do you think?