I'm engaged in agricultural part-time job. It is physically hard, but I like this job. I think I have a bent for(it means I'm cut out for) a job dealing with nature rather than people.
the preceding(or left side) picture is a white radish which we got from the field. It has special worth for me. I put my nose close to it and took a sniff at it. It smelled a subtle but fragrant scent. I love it. It is a baby of the earth.
・a white radish/大根 (you can also say "a Japanese/Chinese radish")
・rasish (countable noun)
one of definitions:
The pungent(ピリっとした;辛らつな) root of white radish, usually eaten raw in salads etc
〔the following is some expressions related to "大根".〕
・大根足/thick legs
this is just 太い足 in Japanese...
・大根役者/a poor [bad] actor;《口語》 a ham(ハム・アマチュア無線家・大根役者、へぼ役者.)
・大根下卸(おろ)し/grated radish
・卸し金/a grater
・grate /gréɪt/
【他動詞】〈…を〉すり合わせる,きしらせる; こすってキーキー鳴らす.
grate one's teeth 歯をギリギリきしらせる.
【自動詞】〔人・耳・神経などに〕障る,いやな感じを与える 〔on〕.
This music grates on my ear(s) [nerves]. この音楽は耳障りだ[神経に障る].
The window was grating in the wind. 窓が風でギーギーきしんでいた.