I was off today. Mom made a curry-rice for my family for dinner. It was very delicious.
I heard "オンライン英会話レアジョブ (Rare Job)" from my friend. Rare Job is a company that serves English lessons throuth internet (it needs "Skype"for having a lesson and talk with tutors. You can get Skype for free in the Web).
I had free-lessons twice and I liked it, so I decided to start it. As for a fee, it needs 5000 yen by month if you take a 25 minutes' lesson every day. If you take 50 minutes' lesson every day, you need only 8000yen by month. It's rather cheaper than public english schools. Perhaps they demands over 10000yen by month only if you take one lesson per week. We don't need money for a textbook in Rare Job.
My friend says that he always chooses a cute tutor when he have a resavation of a lesson. I think the important thing is the quality of the tutor, but I have to agree his thought a little. It's a problem of one's mood.
well, I'll try a lot of conversations with them and I wanna be able to speak English fluently.
オンライン英会話レアジョブ という、スカイプ(インターネット電話)を使った英会話レッスンがある事を友人から聞きました。2回の無料レッスンを受けて、気に入ったので早速お金を振り込んで、始める事にしました。料金は、毎日25分のレッスンだと5000円/月です。毎日50分のレッスンでも、8000円ぽっきり。巷の英会話スク-ルならば、週1回でも月1万円以上すると思います。しかも、高額な教材費も取られますが、レアジョブは教材費も要りません。