Falklands War for 30 years - Signs of relapse, competing for resources
【cited from the following (written in Japanese)
http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20120331-00000097-san-int 】
here is the excerpt(translated by me) from above:
"With the rise of emerging economies, disputes about sovereignty has become apparent in the waters rich in submarine resources.
Associate Professor James Holmes of United States Naval Academy says "China, which has the issue of territorial rights in the East and South China Sea, has been studying this war."
I read this and thought it's stupid. In all likelihood, their "study" is how to win, how to rob other countries of what they want. If there is the God or the Buddha in this world, do they ever want to guard the country where there are lots of people in greed? I'm anxious about the future of such a country.
I supposed that there has been the religion or precept of Confucianism, Taoism and things like that, but where have they gone?
"the Chinese have a human supremacism (Atheism) in the bottom of their mind."
【cited from here (written in Japanese)
http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q139711853 】
It seems to me that they don't have the feeling to be awed by the nature. However, also in Japan, there are some traders who receive the broken home electric appliances for free or a little cost and let them flow to China, as it seems like a sinecure (easy and profitable job). But do they think of what if these stuff will be after being brought to that country?
I don't want to side with the things like contaminating the nature of the earth, so I will ask for the proper, official trader to get my CRT TV in no use recycled, even if it requires a certain amount of money.