

洋販ラダーシリーズは、英語学習者向けの読み物です。他の同類の本と異なる点は、巻末に単語リスト(Word List)が載っていて、文中に出てくる主要な単語はほとんどこちらに収録されているので、辞書を引く手間が省けます。



ガンジー・ストーリー/The Gandhi Story(レベル1)

フランダースの犬/A Dog of Flanders (レベル2)



Let’s read English books! (For learner; beginner level)

Let me introduce some of my favorite books that can be read by junior high school or high school students, from “ladder series”, IBC publishing.
They are good reading for English learners.
What is different from other similar books is that they have “word list” at the end of the books and we can save time for referring to the dictionary.
They are classified under 1 to 5 levels. And it seems like that level 1 books are recommended to those who have STEP Eiken (that is the name of English proficiency certification in Japan) more than 4th grade and level 5 books are for those who have more than 2nd grade (or more than 470 score of TOEIC Test).
I can see the levels differ in the number of vocabulary which is used in one book, but I think you don’t have to worry about levels so much because the word list contains most of them regardless of levels.
However the volume of sentences tends to increase as the level goes up, so it might be better for inexperienced readers to choose shorter stories.
All the words appeared in the book are contained in the word list in books of level 1 and 2 and all words except ones which are junior-high school level are contained in it in those of more than level 3.

・QUILL-The Life of a Guide Dog (Level 3)
You might be surprised to see a level 3 book at the first sight, but I felt this book was very easy (or possibly too easy?) to read and understand and that maybe because a Japanese writer had written this book. (He used easy grammar to understand)
The story is as the title – about the whole life of a guide dog, Quill (lol).
It was very informative about guide dogs, and also a really heart-warming story.
(The story part of this book is about 120 pages)

・The Gandhi Story (Level 1)
You may have heard of his name in a history class; it’s a biography of an Indian saint, Gandhi, who lived through with the policy of “Non-violent civil disobedience”.
The story part is less than 80 pages.

・A Dog of Flanders (level 2)
Perhaps you are familiar to this story in a classic TV anime.
I found that this book is “the original”, written by Ouida, so it’s not translated at all. So you might find some points that are difficult to understand in this book, even though I think this is a kind of easier books to read.
It often happens that you can understand a difficult sentence when you read it with the previous and following sentences, even if your understanding is not 100%.
It’s important not to be so nervous and you will be able to enjoy reading through with easygoing mind.
This book is also within 90 pages.

The total amount of sentences and readability vary in the size of letters, but all of above books have large letters and are easy to read, so I can recommend them to beginner-level readers.

I’d be happy if this article serves.
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