

ESL Podcast の English Cafe 375

で、given という言葉の解説がありましたが、いくつもの意味があり、聞いただけではちょっと消化不足だったので、ネットのLongman英英辞書で調べてみました。ついでに翻訳の練習もしてみようかという事で、それが以下です。(言葉の定義は原文のままで、例文のみ翻訳しました。)

giveの過去分詞形(past participles)です。 give-gave-given

given(2) [only before noun]名詞の前にだけ用いる

1:any/a given...
any particular time, situation, amount etc that is being used as an example:
On any given day in the Houston area, half the hospital beds are empty.

The rules are to be followed in any given situation.
・at any given time/moment
There are thought to be around 10,000 young homeless Scots in London at any given time.

2:previously arranged:
The wrapping machine was pre-set to wrap a given number of biscuits.

Candidates will have to give a presentation on a given topic.

a game in which, at a given signal, everyone has to stand still
(決められた合図で、みんなじっと立ち止まらなければならないゲーム[※だるまさんが転んだ、みたいなものかと思われる。] )

3:be given to (doing) something[formal]
to tend to do something, especially something that you should not do:
He was a quiet man, not usually given to complaining.

4:take something as given
to accept that something is true or exists, especially when you are developing an idea or argument:
The fact that people find change difficult is taken as given.

given(3) preposition[前置詞]

taking something into account:
Given the circumstances, you've done really well.

・given that
Given that the patients have some disabilities, we still try to enable them to be as independent as possible.


a basic fact that you accept as being true:
Sandra will be at least 15 minutes late - that's a given.
(サンドラは最低でも15分は遅れてくるわよ - いっつもそうなの。)

The concept is taken as a given in social studies.

God-given /adjective 形容詞 [usually before noun]通常は名詞の前に用いる

received from God:
She has a God-given talent for singing.

a God-given right (=the right to do something without asking anyone else's opinion)
The protesters have no God-given right to disrupt the life of the city.


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WONDERFUL Post.thanks for share..more wait .. … http://hellowh983mm.com
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